About us...
Based out of Denver, Colorado, The Noah James Foundation was founded by Kim Fleischli and David Diedrichs. The foundation was created in memory of Noah James, Kim and David's American pit-bull terrier. Noah James was a sweet and gentle dog, beloved by those who knew him for his fun loving personality. Noah James passed away in 2016, due to a heart condition. All after being a survivor of thyroid cancer and heart disease, but his fighting spirit lives on through the work of the foundation. Kim and David know first-hand the helpless feeling associated with being unable to care for an animal with no means to care for itself. They created the foundation to prevent others from knowing that helplessness, and the hopelessness of feeling as though they do not have options. The Noah James Foundation wants you to know that you and your pet are not alone in the fight! We are always working to help your furry friends, in any way we can.
Noah (left) and his best friend/sister Princess (Right)
Joining the Fight:
As a non-profit organization, The Noah James Foundation is funded by donations. We accept monetary donations, as well as goods and services. If you are interested in making a donation or collaborating with the foundation, please contact us. We are always looking for others committed to animal welfare to join us in making the world a better place for all of our furry friends!